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Google Takeout

Graduating Seniors (or students leaving the district)
Downloading your Herricksk12 Google Data
(may take a couple of days to complete)

Transfer your Gmail and Drive with Google Takeout for Schools

While you do get to keep many good memories of Herricks, one thing you cannot keep is your Herricks-provided Gmail account ( account). While your Herricks Gmail and account will be deleted 10 weeks after graduation, have no fear, there is an option provided by Google that allows you to download your data to a personal computer using a personal Gmail account so it can be yours forever.

The following link will take you to Google Takeout, a service that allows you to download your Google data as a compressed archive.

If you received this message in error and you are still a currently enrolled student that is not graduating in June, please contact the High School Computer lab, ASAP!
Please note that your Herricks Google Account, and your Herricks Gmail account are for Herricks students only. Therefore, access to them officially ends upon graduation. Since we realize that you may wish to save your files, the District gives graduating seniors a grace period to complete the Google Takeout process. Students should realize that these accounts will not exist beyond September 1st of the year they graduate. Thank you.

Transfer your Gmail and Drive with Google Takeout for Schools