Teacher Center

Herricks Teacher Center
The Herricks Teacher Center serves the k-12 staff of the Herricks School District and the private school staff located in our community. We have been in existence for over twenty-five years and continue to address the current needs of students, parents, and teachers in our community. The Herricks Teacher Center is funded by New York State. The Teacher Center arranges a variety of staff development opportunities including, but not limited to, courses, projects, and guest speakers. Governed by a policy board representing school district staff, nonpublic school faculty, institutions of higher education, and members of the business community.
HTC Mission:
HTC mission is to offer a wide range of professional development experiences that meet the professional needs of staff members. We provide a holistic teaching and learning service; by enriching Herricks educators, we strive to positively impact the learning experience of our students.
Catalog: Herricks Teacher Centers
Contact Information
Rosemarie LaMarca, Director, rlamarca@herricks.org
Chloe Graef, Chairperson, Chloe Graef@herricks.org
Lucille Romano, Secretary, lromano@herricks.org