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Searingtown Scotties Portrait of a Graduate 6 C's Celebration

On Oct. 30, the Searingtown Scotties celebrated the 6 C's of the Herricks Portrait of a Graduate. Ms. Utz and Mrs. Martinez’s 1st and 4th grade Book Buddies showcased how the 6 C's lead the way, and how the POG guides them every day!

The celebration started off with a warm greeting at the door, student leaders setting expectations, a POG and 6Cs sing along, and a student lead discussion on why the Portrait of a Graduate is the North Star for our district!

The Scotties participated in six learning stations highlighting each competency. They used microphones and a conversation wheel to enhance communication, collaborated on self-portraits, applied critical thinking to a mystery box challenge, confidently recorded pep-talks, created POG and 6C-inspired championship rings, and made friendship bracelets to promote compassion and self-worth. The 6Cs were evident throughout all the activities! Buddies who finished early tackled some Buddy Challenges like rock paper scissors, and complimenting each other!

To end the celebration, the Scotties had a dance party in honor of becoming 6Cs Champions! Positive energy radiated throughout the room, and it was such a fun event to help our students work on the competencies!


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