Welcome to Our New Site!
We've made some updates, cleaned things up, and reorganized our information.
Take a moment to review this page to get familiar with the new Herricks School District website.
Optimized for Mobile
Over 50% of internet traffic is mobile. Our new site is completely responsive regardless of what device you are using to search our site.
At the top of the page, you'll see convenient shortcuts designed for our primary visitors: students, families, community members, and staff. These menus highlight the key tasks visitors frequently perform on our site. To quickly access school websites, simply click the Schools button at the top of the page. Likewise, you can return to the Herricks Public Schools district site from any school site by clicking the District button at the top of the page.
Reorganized Site Map
We've recategorized the information on our site, organizing our sitemap to ensure that all users can easily find everything they need.
Our District
This section will help you find everything you need to get started in the district. Learn about Herricks Public Schools and the surrounding community. This section contains information regarding our strategic plan, Portrait of a Graduate competencies, our social emotional learning resources, student registration and more.
District Administration
Information on all district wide departments is available in this section: the Superintendent's Office and cabinet, Athletics, Business Office, the office of Curriculum and Instruction, Facilities, Food Services, Health Services, Human Resources, Office of Instructional Technology, Pupil Personnel and Transportation.
Board of Education
All information regarding our Board of Education can be found here. Community members can access Board Agendas, recordings of board meetings, as well as district policies, Board goals and presentations.
Academic Departments
This section contains information on all of the academic departments and programs available in the district. In addition, director contact information for each department is readily accessible.
Herricks Highlights
This section features an archive of news articles, video updates, highlight newsletters, and publications. Stay informed and up-to-date with the latest achievements, events, and stories from Herricks Public Schools.
Our Community and Flyers tabs have been moved to this section. To have a flyer posted, please contact the Superintendent's Office.
Comments, Questions or Suggestions?
The launch of our new website marks the first step in enhancing the Herricks Public Schools brand and creating a more powerful communication tool for our community. This new site showcases our students, community, and achievements. We will continue to make additional improvements in the coming months. If you encounter any bugs, have trouble finding content, or have suggestions on how we can improve, please let us know.