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Digital Equity Survey

Collecting accurate data regarding digital resource access for our New York students will greatly help educators to better serve their students and families. In order to accomplish this, the New York State Education Department is asking parents or guardians to complete a Digital Equity survey (for each student in the family) in grades Kindergarten – Grade12.

This survey will assess information on student access to devices and internet access in their places of residence. To assist us in this process, please fill out the survey in Parent Square. Releasing December 6th.

*Please answer each question (incomplete survey responses will be invalidated)
*One survey must be completed per child who attends Herricks
*You will need your child's student ID to complete the survey (Student ID can be found on the Infinite Campus Parent portal, go to the Today tab)
*For additional information or clarifications for the questions, please see Appendix. 
*Paper based survey available on request from your child/s building
*The survey will be open from (Closed).

Points of clarification:
Device” is defined as a computing device, such as a laptop, desktop, Chromebook, iPad, or full-size tablet. “Device” for the purposes of this survey, is NOT a phone or mini tablet, nor is it a mobile internet access point, such as a MIFI.
Dedicated” devices are devices that are not shared, where the student is allowed to take the device when they leave the school building to participate in learning outside of school. They are for single student use and are not shared with other students or household members.
Sufficient” access means that the student does not regularly experience issues (slowdowns, buffering, disconnections, unreliable connection, etc.) while participating in required or assigned instruction and learning activities, as measured during peak household usage.
Reliable” access should be judged against the goal of “All the Time” access, as indicated in the National Educational Technology Plan. The Plan states the expectation that technology-enabled learning should be available for all students, everywhere, all the time (NETP 2017).

Thank you for your cooperation!