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Professional Development & Learning Plan


The Herricks Professional Development team has prepared this professional development plan in accord with current regulations of the New York State Commissioner of Education.  The specific components of the regulations are as follows:

By  September  1,  2000,  and  annually  thereafter,  districts  shall  adopt  a  Professional Development  Plan  (PDP),  the purpose  of  which  shall  be  to  improve  the  quality of teaching and learning by ensuring that teachers participate in substantial professional development in order that they remain current with their profession and meet the learning needs of their students.

For plans covering the time-period February 2, 2004, and thereafter, each school district shall describe in its plan how it will provide teachers in its employ holding a professional certificate (transitional or initial professional certificates) with opportunities to maintain such certificate in good standing based upon successfully completing 100 hours of professional development every five years.

The PDP shall be developed through collaboration with a professional development team.

The team shall include the superintendent or his/her designee; school  administrators designated by their collective bargaining association; teachers designated by their collective bargaining association and who should comprise a majority of the seats; at least one parent designated by the established parent group; one or more curriculum specialists; and at least one representative of a higher education institute.

The final determination on the content of the PDP shall be the decision of the Board of Education.

Each year, the superintendent shall certify to the commissioner that the requirements of this regulation have been met and that the district has complied with the PDP applicable to the current school year.

Participation in professional development activities outside the regular school day or regularly scheduled working days of the school year shall be volitional for teachers, unless otherwise agreed upon as a term and condition of employment pursuant to collective bargaining.

The Herricks plan centers on the district’s belief that the quality of the teaching staff is one of the most important variables for student learning.   It summarizes the professional development opportunities offered to the Herricks faculty for professional improvement.   The plan acknowledges the need to coordinate the district’s professional development activities with the New York State Standards and Assessments and includes strategies and activities for improving the quality of teaching and learning throughout the district.

Click here for the Herricks Professional Development and Learning Plan