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Welcome to the Herricks NWEA Parent Information Site!

NWEA Math Grades K-8 (Student Progress Reports (Fall and Sprint) can be found in the Campus Backpack)
NWEA Reading Grades 3-5 (Student Progress Reports (Fall and Sprint) can be found in the Campus Backpack)

What is NWEA?
The Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) is an educational services organization based in Portland, Oregon. The company developed research based computerized adaptive assessments for students. The assessments are growth based informative instructional tools for teachers and students alike. NWEA results provide the teachers and students with immediate results that can be utilized in the classroom to target student learning and focus on student needs.

What are the NWEA assessments?
The MAP or Measures of Academic Progress and Map for Primary Grades Assessments are computerized adaptive tests offered in Reading and Math. The difficulty of each question is based on how well the student answers all the previous questions. If answered correctly the test items become more difficult, if answered incorrectly, the questions become less difficult or adapt to the level of the student.
The tests are offered multiple times each year.  Students in Grades K-2 take the MAP for Primary Grades while our 3-8 grade students take the MAP or Measures of Academic Progress. The results provide teachers and students with a measure of student growth in achievement, and allow for more focused teaching and learning.

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