Bids/Requests for Proposals
In accordance with General Municipal Law and Board policy 6700, purchase contracts for materials, equipment and supplies involving an estimated annual expenditure exceeding $20,000 and public work contracts involving an expenditure of more than $35,000 will be awarded only after responsible bids have been received in response to a public advertisement soliciting formal bids. Purchase contracts involve the acquisition of commodities, materials, supplies or equipment. Public work contracts involve the solicitation of services, labor or construction.
Advertisement for bids will be published in the appropriate newspaper(s) at least five (5) days before the opening of the bid, not including the day of the opening.
When the School District procures professional services or services requiring special or technical skills, training, or expertise, such as: legal and medical services; property appraisals; engineers and architects; investment management; auditing; and claims management. The Board of Education may solicit requests for proposals if it is in the best interest of the School District. The School District will prepare a well-planned RFP which will contain critical details of the goods/services, procurement, including the methods which it will use in selecting the service. The School District may engage the services of professionals without the need for seeking alternative proposals.