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Bond Updates

Facilities Bond Updates

The Herricks Public Schools’ mission is to promote intellectual curiosity and creative expression through its educational programs. However, aging infrastructure poses challenges to achieving this mission, as basic systems are outdated and in need of upgrades.  A building conditions survey was completed in 2016 that identified a variety of building upgrades that need to be completed. The Board established a District Facilities Committee at that time to prioritize initiatives and present recommendations for further discussion with the Board of Education and community.  After obtaining input from community members, faculty, parents and students, the Board put forward a bond referendum for districtwide facilities upgrades and improvements.  The bond vote was held on December 6, 2016 and District voters approved a $25 million bond referendum by an 80% “yes” vote.

The capital projects that were discussed with the community total $29.5 million. On December 6, 2016 voters approved a $25 million bond referendum and approval to expend $3.3 million from an existing capital reserve to fund projects, for a total of $28.3 million. The District expects to fund the balance of the $29.5 million in capital projects from the same capital reserve if additional funds are set aside in the future. Additional voter authorization for such expenditure would then be required. The proposed capital projects address health and safety and necessary upgrades, as well as modernization of our facilities. The plan results in no additional tax increase to residents, as fiscal responsibility is also a top priority.  


Bond Update: Phase 2 Under Way


The district is excited to have launched Phase 2 of the Bond 2016 facilities improvement work, which is currently taking place and will continue throughout the summer and into the fall . This set of projects includes a new grandstand, press box and comfort station on the high school athletic field and renovations to the high school cafeteria and kitchen. It also involves site work at each elementary school; specifically, the resurfacing of parking lots. Construction on the reconfiguration and replacement of the Denton Avenue School entry loop and parking lot, which will be completed over the summer, will facilitate better traffic flow and thereby create a safer arrival and dismissal process.

Phase 1 focused on the high school track and field, as well as the installation of "smart locks" on all classroom doors
throughout the district. These steps have been completed and students, staff and community members are benefiting from improved, modern, and safer facilities.

In addition to the bond work, the district has recently completed additional capital projects funded through state and county legislative grants amounting to over $400,000. These projects include new district-wide fencing, parking lot resurfacing at the community center, renovations to the middle school athletic fields, and stage lighting and curtain replacements in the high school auditorium.



Please Visit Our Facebook Page for More Information  



Capital Projects Update by BBS Architects - August 25, 2022.pdf
Capital Projects Update by Park East Construction - August 25, 2022.pdf
Capital Projects Update by Park East Construction - June 9, 2022.pdf
Herricks Bond Update - August 5, 2021.pdf
Herricks UFSD Monthly Construction Report - July, 2021.pdf
Herricks UFSD BOE Construction Report - May 20, 2021.pdf
Capital Projects Update - Park East Construction - February 25, 2021.pdf
November 2020 - Capital Projects Update
October 2020 - Monthly Construction Report
January 2019 - Proposed New HS Fitness Center
Summer 2019 - Construction Update
December 2018 - Monthly Construction Report
November 2018 - Monthly Construction Report
October 2018 - Monthly Construction Report
Revised Design for the New Fitness Center at Herricks HS
Herricks SD August 2018 Monthly Update Report
July 19th 2018 Capital Improvements Bond Update
Herricks SD June 2018 Monthly Update Report Phase II
Bond Update May 24, 2018 by BBS Architects
Herricks Opens New Field with Track Coming Soon
November 30, 2017 - Capital Projects Update
August 31, 2017 - Capital Projects Update
July 20th 2017 - Capital Projects Update
May 25th 2017 - Capital Projects Update
March 23rd 2017 - Capital Projects Update
Bond Presentation 11-17-16
Bond 2016 Newsletter
Bond 2016 Plan of Projects
Community Meeting 9-27-16 Bond Referendum Presentation
Bond Referendum 2016 Postcard
Bond Referendum Display Boards
Potential Bond Referendum Capital Projects Update
Facilities Committee Capital Projects Update